


New Patient Forms for Acupuncture
+ Patient History/Health Questionnaire (PDF)
+ Medication and Supplement Chart (PDF)
+ Informed Consent (PDF) 

Traditional Chinese Medicine The ancient Chinese used their astute powers of observation to develop a complete medical system. Rooted in nature, TCM’s objective is to restore balance and harmony within the body. As we are all part of nature, everyone can benefit from TCM.

Benefits of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM)
+ Eliminate “Oh my aching back” from your vocabulary
+ Boost energy levels
+ Rid yourself of the cravings and crabbiness associated with smoking cessation
+ Reduce anxiety levels
+ Improve concentration
+ Lift the cloud of depression
+ Make being female more fun by alleviating morning sickness, PMS, cramps, night sweats, hot flashes, excessive bleeding
+ Stop watery itchy eyes, runny noses and fatigue associated with allergies
+ Improve digestion to eliminate constipation, diarrhea, acid reflux, gas and bloating
+ De-stress
+ Get a better night’s sleep
+ Excellent preventative medicine
+ And many more …

“Katherine brings a deep knowledge of acupuncture, a kind, gentle heart and great practical wisdom to her practice, thus, tending to her patients as a true healer. I initially came to her for help after nothing seemed to work with Achilles tendinitis and added, as an aside, a struggle with grief. Her help with both has been nothing short of amazing. Thank you! – L.B.”